From initial ideas through permit drawings, all the steps are provided through Vivus, including design and drafting. If needed or desired these can be added: finish selections, construction administration (during the build), structural engineering, contractor recommendations.
Vivus starts at the very beginning with listening to your ideas and parameters. Knowing the goals and desires creates tailored solutions for the site and the users.
For remodels and additions, on-site measurements and photos are taken for accurate design and construction drawings.
Design work includes flat drawings as well as 3d. The software used generates 3d spaces as walls/roofs/furniture are added, and the changes can be seen in 3d immediately. Typically a meeting includes walking around the outside of the home, flying over to see the roof lines and footprint, and touring the inside to get the feeling of the interior, views through the windows, arrangements of the fixtures and cabinetry, and connection of the spaces with each other. Screenshots can be created to share.
Once the major decisions have been made in design, drawings are created to be used for cost estimating. By using your contractor or providing contact information for a contractor who may be a good fit, reliable cost estimates can be created by the lumberyard, suppliers, subcontractors, and for labor. This gives you the ability to make remaining decisions based on cost and expert input.
If there are changes from the cost estimating phase, those are included and construction drawings are created. These drawings will be used for securing a permit and for the contract between you and the general contractor. And then construction starts!
If questions arise during construction, Vivus can be available to advise and help guide decisions. Especially in remodeling, there may be unknowns that pop up, so to keep the project moving, addressing these on-site and in a timely matter is necessary. Help with colors and finishes can also be provided as needed.
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